Honorable/Honor: worthy of honor and high respect; having high moral standards; having or showing honesty and good moral character; fair and proper: not deserving blame or criticism; to regard or treat (someone) with respect and admiration.
Intimacy/Intimate: a state marked by emotional closeness; a quality suggesting closeness or warmth; something that is very personal or private; belonging to or characterizing one’s deepest nature.
Using the word “honorable” by itself can be related to several aspects of our life. Using the word “intimacy” by itself can also be related to several personal and private aspects of our life. When the two words are spoken and used together, they take on only one definition.
We believe honorable intimacy is an intimate relationship that has a foundation of love. Well, what is love? We believe Truth is found in the Bible and it is the only place to find the true definition of love. First John 4:8 (in the Bible) tells us that God is Love. When we allow Love (God) to be the foundation for our intimate relationships, we will in turn be honoring God, our self, and the other person.
To have an intimate, honorable relationship with someone, it would have to be one that characterizes God’s true nature, Love. The truth about love is the foundation the relationship would be built upon. Why do we believe that? Because we believe that God wants an intimate and personal relationship with man, whom He created. God created the design for intimate, perfect relationships, and the design for sex between husband and wives. So, if He created it, then the relationship should manifest His true nature to us and to our spouse.
What is the true nature of God, Who is Love? John 3:16 is one example in the Bible of how God is a giver. He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to save mankind. If He, Who is Love, is a giver, and we are made in His image, then we should be givers, also. Not self-centered takers. First Corinthians 13:4-7 tells us that the attributes of love are expressed when we are patient, kind, not envious, not prideful, not rude, not selfish, and not easily offended. Love doesn’t hurt people. Love is expressed when we are thinking the best of someone and believing the best in them and for them. Love will stick with someone in good times and bad. It will never quit on someone or fail them.
Love gives. Love does not take. Love doesn’t expect anything in return for what is given. This is God, the Creator of man. He loves us no matter what we have done. This is how we should love ourselves and others…especially our spouse who we become one with through sexual intimacy.
At Honorable Intimacy, Inc we believe the Word of God is our standard to live by. We see the Word of God as being very clear about God’s design for sexual intimacy being between a husband and wife in the covenant of Biblical marriage.
It is very clear that God intended this sexual relationship to be satisfying in marriage, and even speaks about preparing for it. Preparing for our sexually intimate times is important. We believe that if we have a perverted view of sex, it is because we have a perverted (twisted) view of God and love. So, the first step would be to renew our minds to the truth about it. Therefore, we are offering the prayers from God’s Word—the Bible—first, before offering the intimate wear. Reading and meditating on these scriptures and praying them over yourself and your spouse will change how you view love, your spouse, and sex.
We know that if you really love someone, you will prefer them over yourself. This is honoring the other person. This goes for the man or the woman. Regarding sexual intimacy in marriage, this means we will not be looking at sex only as an avenue for our own sexual gratification, but for our spouse’s fulfillment first. In giving of our bodies this way, we can receive more sexual fulfillment than if we are selfish and want only our needs to be satisfied. It is God’s way of doing things: giving and then receiving.
When husbands and wives put each other first in sexual intimacy (or in any other way), they are honoring God and His design for marriage. Most of society views sexual intimacy differently than what I have described, but we here at Honorable Intimacy, Inc will continue to view it and present it the way we believe God designed it.
We hope this brand name will help you begin to view sexual intimacy through the eyes of Love,
and desire to do it in a way that is honorable to God, yourself, and the other person.
This brings us to a whole new level of thinking regarding sex in marriage, doesn’t it? It is an exciting subject, and we are so humbled and honored to be a part of this thing we believe God is having us do…even though it is definitely taking us out of our easy little comfort zone! By the way, in our wildest dreams, we would have never, ever thought we would be doing this in our 50’s! Ha-ha!
We have been married 36 years so far. Has it been easy and perfect? Absolutely not! Did we ever have thoughts of divorce or separation? Absolutely yes! If we didn’t value the covenant of marriage between ourselves and God, we would have dumped each other a long time ago. LOL! It takes a lot of forgiving on both sides and letting go of offenses regularly with each other. It takes giving and preferring the other before ourselves—and doing it because we want to please God more than ourselves.
Many years ago, when Dana began to pray God’s Word and promises over herself first, and then over our marriage, things gradually began to change. Now, we both pray these prayers for each other. It was ONLY by the grace and help of God that we have made it this far. It has gotten better and better as we have submitted ourselves to each other and surrendered to God’s honorable ways of doing things in our lives.
It is our hope and prayer here at Honorable Intimacy, Inc that you have an intimate personal relationship with our Creator first. Through that intimate relationship with God, you begin to see yourself totally and unconditionally loved by God so that you can’t help but love your spouse unconditionally. Our prayer is that you begin to become more Love-focused with your spouse and able to enjoy and look forward to sexually intimate times together, thus living an honorable intimacy marriage.
He loves you and wants you and your spouse to live in victory in every area of your marriage. With His help, we will all continue to be enlightened more in this area.
Your Marriage Cheerleaders!
David and Dana Ecklund