Our Beliefs


We realize sexual activity outside the covenant of marriage is happening all over the world. We also realize sexual activity is happening outside of a heterosexual relationship.  WE BELIEVE, based on Bible truths, that true, wholesome intimacy can only come from the Creator of it.  We believe God created man and woman to have a marriage covenant together and intended for sexual intimacy to only be between the man and woman as husband and wife.  This is our view based on the Bible which we believe is Holy and inspired by God for mankind to follow.

Honorable Intimacy BeliefsWe believe that God is love.  Love is not an emotion or feeling but an action based on who God is.  We believe that honoring God in everything we do with our spouse will mean loving them the way God loves us, unconditionally.  Preferring each other is an act of love and can be a key component to changing our marriage intimacy for the better.

We believe your marriage and the intimacy with your spouse can improve.  If you will apply these suggestions and use the information given, you can begin to have the marriage of your dreams.  Don’t wait for your spouse; it’s essential for you to apply yourself to change first.

We believe if someone repents of any past pre-marital sexual sins, they should receive God’s forgiveness, let go of their past, and begin enjoying holy intimacy with their husband or wife in the marriage covenant.  God wants them to enter into the marriage covenant with a clean and pure, new beginning.  He does not want them to bring baggage from their past into their marriage that would interfere with them becoming “one” with their spouse.

We believe that if both spouses are willing and make the effort to stay married, they can overcome any failures they have had in their marriage and start over by rebuilding their marriage foundation based on God’s principles. Now, going forward, they will be successful at it.  We believe that marriages can turn from catastrophes to thriving and passionate victories with the help of God and both spouses submitting to His way of doing things.

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